Thursday, November 25, 2010

He's ma everthng ..

lOve is mEant to be deaR .........

"In real love you want the other person's good. In romantic love you want the other person."

. "Love is like a friendship caught on fire: In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."


" Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, thats her... "


"To be your friend was all I ever wanted; to be your lover was all I ever dreamed."


Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition."


"It's so easy, To think about Love, To Talk about Love, To wish for Love, But it's not always easy, To recognize Love, Even when we hold it.... In our hands."


"TIS peRsoN that i really luv n more than EVERTHIng '
"guy who always criticize me all the disadvantages, and what is it taught me the meaning of happiness, the future, and true love ..huhuhu, luck also to him .. hehe"

                                                          tIS IS ME .. azmIn lovers .. hehehe
         "hey , law aQ maC tetap nan dya , aQ janji xkn pena lakukan prkra bdoh y bolee mnghncrkn msaa dpan aQ , huh .. y sal "sake*" xyah ark krnk kesaa da , law aQ still bolee thn , okey da tu , law x , xark an .. besh apa xda aQ ... xda gak da org bnci aQ .. hehe , joke .. n pliz 4give me FARRAH AIN BT MADZLAN , yaa , mang salaa aQ da an , aQ ngalah .. aQ xnak gdoh2 nan kaw , aQ xnak khlgn kwn mcm kaw , hurmm , mngkn nyk laa kslhn aQ y wat kaw ssh nak trima sgat kn .. p tapa laa , aQ tau kaw ssh nak maafkn , p tapa ... i know tat .. p aQ mntak maaf sanadddd .... :'(  hurmmmmm ....

                                                  "aZmien alWAYS in ma mind"

"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are.
Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two."

"bErcyntha sak aQ tau , waa , taun dpan pmr ... wey , bgos2 laa aQ , " hurmmm , arap xda y akn brbh pas cuty smstr nyk nanty , aQ arap sanad .. prshbtn antra aQ n y laen da makin jao sanad , hurmm , mnysal un xda gnaa da ... pa2 jak .. pas nyk aQ xkn msok2 or spend msaa y lbih dgn bf kwn sndrik , bdoh juak aQ nyk ... hayya.. mang bdoh "p da trlmbt .. key3x.. aQ tyma jak laa "


"DUlu kawan tiga org , p skrg sorang da brbh , ntah laa mauk ckp apa agy , aQ tadpt nk halang da ... p aQ rndu mcm dulu ... n sekarang , prshbtn da musnah kh ? aQ y musnhkn sndri rite ? HURMM , tatau mcm mnaa agy nak ckp ... p lam aty nyk mac nk prshbtn y mcam dulu bkn y sekarang .. really need tat .. OMG ... hurmmmm , arghh .. help me....

.. MA VIP ..

'ShaN .. shaN'






thE end .....

"We learn about life-the same clustered together, ate together, grieve together and learn together, I hope this friendship will be forever"

cant say anything (!)

fwenship life ..

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

2 months da :'(

tyMee nyk laa jady gnyk 
, "jan ark tgglkn cyg waa , pliz jgn laa pndh , cyg xsnggp" , n tymEE nyk laa , aQ n bff sndrik , huh , yaark , aQ sala laa wey , aQ pntgkn dIri snDiri , p tapa laa , aQ tymaa jak pa kaw mauk ckp , sokey , n aQ nk say thanxx so much , law bkn shebab kaw n man tady , aQ tadpt tau smuaa tu , hurmm ,  p can Do you understand about me, you and he still lives one county, I do not, how do I remove my sense of this? how? later, if you find him? me how? azmin moved, I was alone, alone, .. no azmin. I hate. arghhh, I'm selfish, right? Okay, it's up to the you lah, want to say anything, ..dear, pliz dnt leave me, I love you more than anything but do not make this, I can not accept, .. no (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

nanis da nyk (!)

kEcik aty aQ wey , abgku sndrik .. maki aQ , sadis wee , aQ nyk d anggp pa juak , mc kh juak aQ d anggp adQ nya nyk ,aQ ndamau break nan dy bkn nya shebab apa bha , nyk sb y trlmpau pntg da , aQ xpenaa lupaa un sal pljrn ku , xpenaa , bau jak aQ gunaa pic profile aQ n dya , twoz abg aQ sndrik post g wall facebook ku *xial nyk , kuang ajar , babi kaw * ...tewoz terang aQ nanis , meraung2 lam aty , aQ xkuarkn , aQ maluu , abg aQ sndrik maki2 aQ , aQ bkn nya nk lwan ckp dy , aQ slalu fkir y dy lrng2 aQ wat gtu dmi kbaikn , p da aQ sayang nan dy , smpi kena ugut law xptus abg jmpaa tu urg bau pkul , cian wey , da ark dy tu krus2 , jgan laa , jangan .. aQ xleh bagy plihn , xbolee (!) aQ lbih fkir diri n msaa dpn aQ skrg , aQ bljr bha , aQ xsnggp wat gtu waa , xsnggp , aQ sayang dya , tolong laa jangan , jangan (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) pukul laa jak aQ waa law gtu , kc maty laa jak aQ satu kaly , p jgn snth dy , tu juak kn y kmoo smua mau , bia aQ maty jak satu kaly , bau puas .. kc maty laa , bunuh jakk aQ bha (!) mang tu y terbaekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk (!) huh :'( ........................ jaat wey , aQ ndapena mntak lbih , xpena lbih .. cuma nyk jak , huh ............................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ya allAh nyk kh dugaan (!)

24 september , 

Nanty law xsmpt ucap , bia ark bca kat cni jak key , 4 you dear , *SELAGI ADA CYG KAT DNIA NYK , jgn brni nk nkal2 au , pas da xda bau laa bolee* hidup aQ kosong tnpa dya , btol aQ prlukn brapa lama masa agy pas nyk , aQ da xkuat , xkuat da ,... adya mesty sdih tuk aQ skrg an , aQ da ckp ... aQ tanak dy tau p hurmmmm , skrg da sdih , aQ tanak smua tu , BE STRONG DEAR , samaa gak nan aen , man n smua y rpt nan aQ , pliz jgn sdih tuk aQ , aQ xsnggp wey , aQ xsnggp  , nmpk krnk mcm tu , tolong , ijam , thanxx 4 evrthng , ijam bnyk tlg mie , bnyk sanad , ... xtrblas smua tu ... aen , aQ da xmampu nk tmnkn kaw pegy jln2 agy , xmampu da sayunk , p thanxx to god , shebab dpt kwn mcm kaw y memahami , wlu un smetymes prngi kaw mcm samseng , i dnt care laa , cz satu kpla gak ... huh , p swry , aQ kuat dmi krnk smuaa , dmi smua .. trutamanya AZMIN , yunkk , pliz jgn sdih sanad sal cyg , yaa , tapa .. p mang cyg xbleee pisah nan aynk lama2 , mcm suami da cyg wat aynk , p aynk xkesaa kn ? lamaa tu , tkot xsmpt jmpaa da , nk dgr suara un  xdpt da , cyg tathn yunk , tathn da ... xsukaa psah mcm nyk , urmm , maaf , pliz jgn sdih yaa smuaaa ,

huh (!) asal ark aQ tadpt g topup ,

ARghhhhhh , 

really wanna hear ur voice , wanna talk with you , wanna hear ur cute voice yunk , p swry sanad tadpt , xda kydt , asok man da nk blik , amacm nk kol aynk agy , sbln lbih tu , lamaa sanad , tu un law kyta dpt jmpaa agy , law x amacm (?)  btoi2 kcewa sanad , nk mraung , nk nanis , nk slalu ada d smping dy tyme2 nyk .. really , tyme2 gnyk aQ prlukn dy , prlukn sanad , I NEED YOU YUNK ,  TYME NYK ARK SMUA NYK JADY , TOLONG .....aQ xsnggp wey , aQ arap xda y akn brlku nanty , bia ark , kwn smuaa tadpt tlg da , aQ xsalaakn un , salaa aQ sndrik , huh :'( ,  sakettttt skrg , saket sanad , huh , sapaa nk tlg , xda sapa un , SOWRY SANAD , xdpt kol .. p ayunk kena tau y ur alwayz in ma heart , n owez luv u .. still waiting u , smpi bylaa2x , smpi nafas trakhir sklipn , wlupn ajal mmsahkn .. i know im still young 4 tis situation , p krnk msty fhm , rmja mcm nyk da bnyk kat lwar tu , but im cius okey , nan dya .. xan lpakn sal stdy tu , krnk nk ckp papew un ckp ark , aQ xkesaa da , arghhhhhhhhh , AZMIN I LOVE U N NEED YOU SO MUCH NOW (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) :'(